Digital Power

Digital Power is a team of specialists with a passion for data. We help organizations, large and small, to work effectively with data. Our people specialize in Data Analytics, Technical Web Analytics, Customer Experience, Data Science and Data Engineering. We are your data partner in multidisciplinary teams.

Together we are your strategic sparring partner in the field of data. We also help set up and complete data projects. We also organize tailor-made training courses and inspiration sessions. Need extra capacity temporarily? Our interim data professionals can start working for you in the short term!


If you want to work effectively with data, you must be able to build on a well-thought-out data strategy. What do you stand for, what do you want to achieve as an organization and above all: what does the customer want? As your data partner, we therefore like to start with you in formulating the right strategy. With each of our five specialties, we always fall back on your data strategy:

Data Analytics
Collect, analyze and visualize data to gain insights for better data-driven decisions.

Technical Web Analytics
Implement online analytics and other digital tracking to measure what you want to know with reliable data as output.

Customer Experience
Translate insights from data into actions for more conversions, better products and an optimal customer experience.

Data Science
Convert (big) data into practical insights, models and automated systems.

Data Engineering
Deliver reliable and meaningful data to everyone from a solid, scalable infrastructure.

From data to action. With Digital Power.

Do you want to work data-driven and get more results from your off- and online data? We like to think along with you. Whether you are looking for strategic data consultancy for your digital transformation, or extra expertise and capacity for a short-term project. Our data professionals are happy to deal with your data challenges.

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