FTE Groep

With our 100 professionals, we support organizations in operationalizing their strategy. We are also a partner in improvement and change processes. Business specialists and consultants work in the field of Life & Pension, Actuarial, Business & IT, Continuous Improvement and Talent at FTE Group.

FTE Group is active at strategic, tactical and operational level. We offer the knowledge of our professionals through secondment, operational consultancy and in projects. We also provide recruitment & selection and education & training.

Our ambition

Our ambition is to be a partner in achieving ambition. That is what drives us and what gives us energy. We want to be relevant for our professionals and clients. Have an impact. By being genuinely interested in someone's ambition and by using all our available knowledge and resources for the best solution.

Our vision

Organizations are continuously adapting to the new reality. Think outside-in. Be agile. New technology as an opportunity or threat? That requires adaptability. From management but also from the people themselves. It definitely does DO. There are plenty of plans, in our opinion it really is in the implementation. FTE sees this as the major challenge. How do I get it realized?